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Current activities

I currently practice as an independant psychotherapist: teens, adults, couples and families. Team supervisions. I also train teams in Switzerland and internationally.

I am a lecturer at the faculty of psychology, Geneva University.

I am also lead investigator of an international research project on family therapy and internet gaming disorder (randomized controled trial) with the Phenix Foundation, Geneva.

I currently supervise the HUG psychiatrists in training to become family therapists.


1985: Maturité Fédérale, scientifique en Suisse (Genève) 

1991: Master in psychology, University of Geneva

1994: Systems and family therapy training, Geneva

2002: Post-grad training in systems therapy, Neuchâtel

2004: ASTHEFIS family therapy certification (Swiss association of family therapy)

2005: Swiss federation of psychotherapist certification

2007: Certified as Multidimensional Family therapist (MDFT) and            supervisor, Miami

2011: Certified as MDFT trainer, Miami

2021: Doctoral thesis at the University of Geneva

Preceding activities

2004 - 2018

Co-founder and head of medical unit for teens with addiction issues and families, Centre Phénix-Mail, Fondation Phénix. Several international and national research projects.


1997 - 2004

Association Argos, Service Familles (Geneva) : Head of Family therapy unit for drug dependants.


1993 - 1997

Fondation du Levant, Centre d’Aide et de Prévention (Lausanne) : Family therapist and head of residential treatment unit for drug dependant adults.


1991 - 1993

Clinique La Métairie, Département des maladies de la dépendance  (Nyon) : Assistant psychologist and researcher.


1989 - 1991

Institution Universitaire de Psychiatrie, Division d’Alcoologie (Geneva): Intern psychologist at unit for alcoholics.

Some publications (you can download my articles at :

First author:

  • P. Nielsen, H. Rigter (2023) Behandeling van een jongere met een gameverslaving. Gezondheidspsychologie (6): 14-17

  • Nielsen, P., Rigter, H., Weber, N., Favez, N., & Liddle, H. A. (2022). In-session gaming as a tool in treating adolescent problematic gaming. Family Process, 00, 1– 16.

  • Nielsen, P., Rigter, H., & Favez, N. (2022). La thérapie systémique-familiale: une voie prometteuse pour traiter le gaming problématique à l’adolescence. Cahiers critiques de therapie familiale et de pratiques de reseaux, 69(2), 187-202. DOI 10.3917/ctf.069.0187

  • Nielsen, P. (2021). Problematic gaming in adolescents: Identifying parent and family factors relevant for treatment. Thesis, University of Geneva. DOI: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:153771

  • Nielsen, P., Christensen, M., Henderson, C., Liddle, H., Croquette-Krokar, M., Favez, N., & Rigter, H. (2021). Multidimensional Family Therapy reduces problematic gaming in adolescents: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. DOI:10.1556/2006.2021.00022

  • Nielsen, P., Favez, N., Rigter, H. (2020). "Parental and family factors associated with problematic gaming and problematic Internet use in adolescents. A systematic literature review". Current Addiction Reports, DOI: 10.1007/s40429-020-00320-0


  • Nielsen, P., Favez, N., Liddle, H., & Rigter, H. (2019). Linking parental mediation practices to adolescents’ problematic online screen use: A systematic literature review. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 1-15. DOI: 10.1556/2006.8.2019.61

  • Nielsen, P., Rigter, H., Cardenoso-Wark, E., & Croquette-Krokar, M. (2018). Multidimensionale Familien-therapie MDFT in Schulen. Suchtmagazin, 3.

  • Nielsen, P., & Rigter, H. (2018). Multidimensional Family Therapy for adolescents with Internet gaming disorder: the design of a transnational treatment study. Paper presented at the International Conference of behavioral addictions.

  • Nielsen, P., Rigter, H., & Croquette-Krokar, M. (2016). La Thérapie familiale multidimensionnelle (MDFT). In Les thérapies de couple et de famille (pp. 105-122): Mardaga.

  • Nielsen, P., Beytrison, P., & Croquette-Krokar, M. (2011). Les thérapies ordonnées par la justice pour les adolescents surconsommateurs de substances psychoactives: réflexions et expériences dans un débat d'actualité. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux(1), 85-95.

  • Nielsen, P., & Croquette-Krokar, M. (2008). La cyberaddiction à l'adolescence. Pschoscope, 29, 21-25.

  • Nielsen, P., Samaniego, M., & Simond, F. (2003). Thérapie systémique et prise de cannabis. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux(1), 129-141.


Co-author :

  • Rigter, H., & Nielsen, P. (2023). Eerst de kloof dichten tussen gamer en ouders: Nieuwe ontwikkeling in behandeling problematisch gamen. Kind & Adolescent Praktijk, 22(3), 6-13.

  • Bonnaire, C., Liddle, H. A., Har, A., Nielsen, P., & Phan, O. (2019). Why and how to include parents in the treatment of adolescents presenting Internet gaming disorder? Journal of behavioral addictions, 1-12. DOI: 10.1556/2006.8.2019.27

  • Henry, M., & Humblot, C. (2015). La nécessaire recherche de l’alliance thérapeutique: interview de Philip Nielsen. Les Cahiers Dynamiques(4), 102-107.

  • Rigter, H., Rowe, C., Gantner, A., Mos, K., Nielsen, P., Phan, O., . . . Liddle, H. A. (2015). From research to practice: The international implementation of Multidimensional Family Therapy. In Textbook of addiction treatment: International perspectives (pp. 889-905): Springer.

  • Rowe, C., Rigter, H., Henderson, C., Gantner, A., Mos, K., Nielsen, P., & Phan, O. (2013). Implementation fidelity of Multidimensional Family Therapy in an international trial. J Subst Abuse Treat, 44(4), 391-399. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2012.08.225

  • Bischoff, M., Bessero, S., Reverdin, B., Gervasoni, N., Nielsen, P., & Favez, N. (2009). Arguments in favour of: “Family and couple therapies / Systemic therapies”.


Collaborations régulières avec médias écrites (le Temps, Tribune de Genève, Migros Magasine), télévision (Arte, Temps Présent, Dans la tête de, le 19 :30, Couleurs locales, Spécimen) radio (la Première, CQFD).

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